Lower-Elementary School

Upcoming Events!

MARCH 2025
03/03 through 03/07 -
Read Across America Week
03/06 - 3rd grade Music and Art Program 7:00 PM in the Jack Collins Gym
03/13 - Report Cards go home
03/14 - NO SCHOOL
03/17 through 03/21 - SPRING BREAK
03/20 - Papa John Pizza Night
03/25 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to Discovery Lab 

APRIL 2025
04/01 - Student of the Month Assembly
04/03 - 3rd through 12th grade - Ways busy families can help with State Testing - 6:00 pm LES Cafeteria
04/10-  2nd Grade Art and Music Show 7:00 pm in Jack Collins Gym
04/11 - NO SCHOOL
04/17- Papa John Pizza Night
04/18- NO SCHOOL
04/22 and 04/23 - Reading Oklahoma State Testing
04/25 - NO SCHOOL
04/28- NWEA 1st and 2nd Grade begins
04/29 and 04/30- Math Oklahoma State Testing 




School Supplies

Click HERE for the 1st-3rd grade supply lists.  Also notice there are items for the 4 specials teachers. We will separate them evenly to those extra teachers.

Welcome to the Lower Elementary!

MISSION: The Mission of VPS is to create an environment that empowers all students to unlock their full potential through high expectations. 

VISION:  The Vision of VPS is to develop today's students into productive citizens and lifelong learners for tomorrow's ever changing world. 

8207 E 540 Rd
Claremore, Oklahoma 74019

phone: 918-266-6333
fax: 918-266-4569

Doors Open: 7:50

Tardy Bell: 8:10 AM

Release Time: 3:10 PM

Employee Code of Conduct

2024-2025 Cafeteria Prices
Breakfast - $2.00       Lunch - $3.35

Cardinal Creed
Verdigris Cardinals Love to Learn!
I listen, and I take my turn.
I show respect and use kind words;
I raise my hand to be heard.
I do not touch or push or shove.
Being a friend is what I love.
Go Cardinals!

Principal: Dawna Kerr                  Counselor: Hannah Rogers            Secretary:  Leslie Davey
                                                                                             Lori Wilder

Strong Readers Act

Student Reading PNG Image, Three ...

Please visit the Oklahoma State Department of Education website at  STRONG READERS ACT for information for families, school and legislation.

From the Map Growth/Reading Fluency test data and the Literacy First assessments we have been able to create reading plans for those students with reading gaps in Kindergarten thru third grade.  These plans are called Student Literacy Intervention Plans (SLIP)--and they are an agreement with you, the parent/guardian, on what the school will be doing, BUT also what you must do at home to improve your child's reading.  The purpose of an Student Literacy Intervention Plans is to define a plan that will enable the student to acquire the appropriate grade level reading skills and communicate this plan and the student's progress to the student's family. 

Point of Fact:  By the end of Kindergarten a student should have 50 site words mastered.

By the end of 1st grade a student should have an additional 150 site words MASTERED + the 50 from kindergarten!

By the end of 2nd grade there should be an additional 300 site words for a total of 500 words!!

If your student is on an SLIP, they are reassessed in December and then again in April.  We will do everything possible on our end to help fill their gaps and I hope you will team with us to get our students reading!!  Make sure your student is reading at least 20 minutes every night!


1.  Florida Center for Reading Research

2.  Reading Rockets

3.  Word Activities

4. Khan Academy

5.  Readworks

                                                                      15 min of reading

Birthday Invites and Deliveries

Verdigris Elementary is very happy to celebrate birthdays with its students!  Make sure if you are bringing party invitations to hand out at school that everyone is included in the class. We are striving to teach our students that exclusion is a form of bullying and we do not want to have any hurt feelings during a time of celebration.   

On Valentine's Day we have class activity day so all students give a valentine to all their classmates. The office would appreciate keeping special gift deliveries for home delivery because of all the day to day items that need to be taken care of in the office which must receive the deliveries, and students will not receive a delivery until the end of day anyways.  Also, the bus will not allow glass flower vases or balloons in transit.


Welcome to Verdigris Lower Elementary,
Home of the Cardinals

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to the our 2024-2025 school year!! Our theme for this year is GOLD... each student and staff will have a 

                                                                     Growth Mindset, be
                                                        Optimistic, engage in
                                                        Life-long learning and achieve our
                                                        Dreams !!

Each student is a valuable resource that we have been gifted with to help them grow academically, socially and emotionally.  We value the opportunity to partner with you to assist them in achieving their potential and creating an environment of learning where they are successful.  I am confident that this year will be both successful and rewarding for all of us.

I encourage you to stay involved in your child's education through attending parent teacher conferences, reading weekly newsletters provided by the Teacher, getting involved in our Elementary PTO, Infinite Campus portal and staying informed about school events and activities. Your involvement is crucial to ensuring your child's success in their learning journey. 

If you have any concerns or questions throughout the school year, please contact your student's Teacher first to resolve any concerns.  If you are unable to resolve the issue please reach out to me with your concerns.  We are here to support you and your child in making this year a positive and successful experience. 

Thank you for the opportunity to work with your child.  May this school year be a golden opportunity for growth, learning, and successes for us all. 

Go Cardinals!!


Dawna Kerr
Lower Elementary Principal

Verdigris Cardinal


Please click below for highlights, resources and classroom information from our Counselor - Mrs. Rogers

Counselor's Corner - Lara Herd - Frost Independent School District



Parent Information for 2024-2025

Important Parent Information Nights
(click on link for schedule)

Please click here Parent Information Presentation for a slide presentation covering all sorts of topics from attendance to parent pick up and drop off, to dress code and visitors!


Please click here Native American Information Book for information regarding Indian Education, JOM, tribe contacts and scholarship information.

Parent drop off in the morning--is one lane in the left lane.  We do not use the right lane because buses are unloading next to the curb.

Parent pick up in the afternoon- is two lanes.  Left land for Upper Elementary students and siblings, or cars with baby seats in back passenger side.  Right lane is for only Lower Elementary students, or cars with baby seats in back driver side.

Attendance Matters!!


School Report Card -- Student Test Scores

Oklahoma School Report Card

At the core of the Oklahoma School Report Cards is the belief that all students can grow and all schools can improve. While no student report card tells the full story of a child, no school report card tells the full story of a school. Education is far more than a single score or letter grade, but it is important that families and communities can see both strengths and areas that need support and improvement. Please access our previous yearly school report card at the following link: 


Oklahoma School Testing Program Parent/Student Portal


Information in the OSTP portal showcases your student's performance on the Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP) Tests in key academic areas. State test results, when combined with other information (i.e. homework, classwork, report card grades, and local assessments), can help you and the teacher work together to support your student's growth. Your student's State ID number is required to access their scores. If you do not have this number, please contact your student's school.


Enrollment Appointments

In order to enroll in Verdigris Public Schools, please go to the district page and fill out the enrollment process online.  Once completed, the secretaries will contact you and set up a time to come in to the site.

Wamego Public Schools - USD 320 Online Enrollment



Cardinal Curriculum 1st grade

Cardinal Curriculum 2nd grade

Cardinal Curriculum 3rd grade

The Lower Elementary uses Savvas: MyView for Reading, and Big Ideas Math.  We use NWEA MAP and Reading Fluency for Screeners, and our teachers are trained in Literacy First.

Oklahoma Family Guides

The State Department of Education provides Oklahoma Family Guides for what to expect of your student's year.  Click HERE to access them.


Please keep in mind there are 3 crosswalks in our school zone.  ECDC to the big parking lot, East end of the Lower Elementary across to the cafeteria/bus loading area, and front door of Lower to Front door of Upper.  It is a $250 fine for stopping in a crosswalk--Please remember this as you wait in the parent pick up line and pass each one.


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