Welcome to Kindergarten
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or contact me via our class Remind.
Thank you! Mrs. Broadbooks
Daily Affirmation: "I am smart, I am kind, I am blessed, and I can do great things! I will listen and make good choices!"
Golden Rule:
~Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!~
Daily Class Schedule
8:10-8:30 Announcements/Morning Meeting/Calendar
8:30-8:40 Morning Work
8:40-9:00 Morning Recess
9:00-9:15 Carpet Time/Group Lesson
9:15-10:05 Small Groups Literacy & Math
10:05-11:05 Specials (PE or STEAM)
11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:15 Recess
12:15-12:30 Chill Time/Bathroom Break
12:30-1:00 SuperKids Lesson/Whole Group
1:00-2:30 Literacy Centers
2:30-2:45 Snack
2:45-3:05 Begin Dismissals (Daycare. Parent Pickup, Bus)
Online Resource Links
Our Class - We are Family!
Fun Learning Challenges
~Write your sight words in chalk on your driveway
~Find sticks from your yard and build something
~Read a book and illustrate your favorite part
~Go on a word hunt around your neighborhood! Find words/letters you can read, write them on paper
~Help your mom or dad bake something in the kitchen
~Create an obstacle course to complete outside or inside
~Make a sensory bottle (water bottle with water, glue, food coloring, and glitter)
~Make a LEGO creation
We Love to Have FUN, LEARN and SMILE!
Weekly Focus
Letter: Gg
Color: green
Sight Word: go
SuperKid: Golly
Theme: Community Helpers
Math: Numbers 1-5
ELA: Rhyming
Word Family: -og
Sight Words / Color Words / Number Words / Word Families

I the am little to a have is we my like he for me with she see look they you of do are that here go from what said was where come this but at all if not were as no has in when him be your her had can by or so and there did

red yellow orange green gray
pink black white brown purple blue

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

-at word family -op word family -an word family
-am word family -en word family -ig word family
-ug word family -et word family -ill word family
-ice word family -ing word family -ake word family
Kindergarten Standards Checklists
Extended Learning Ideas

Outdoor play:
Ride a bike, go on a walk, swing, ride a scooter, fly a kite, go on a scavenger hunt, outdoor possibilities are endless!
STEAM Ideas:
*Build a zoo with blocks and label each animal area.
*Make and imaginary campfire and tell your family a story.
*Make a road with tape on a piece of cardboard and drive a hot wheel around it.
*Make a puppet out of paper and tape it to a wooden spoon and put on a puppet show.
*Make a map of your house. Include a key and labels.
*What is an invention? What is an inventor? With a guardian, research an invention you are interested in learning about.
*Use a magnet to test items around the house. What sticks to the magnet? Do metal items stick? Do plastic items stick?
*With a guardian, research a famous person from history. What was this person famous for doing?
*What is light? What is heavy? Find items around your house that are light and heavy. Choose two items to compare.
*What are the 5 senses? Find something around your home to practice each sense.
*What is a want? What is a need? Make a list of wants and needs.
*What is a habitat? With a helper make the perfect habitat for a turtle or a frog.
*What is a sunrise? What is a sunset? With a guardian, see if you can watch the sun rise or set.
*What does is mean to be helpful? Take part in a helpful act for a loved one or friend.
*What are the four seasons? Illustrate 4 trees to show all the seasons.
*What is a tradition? Discuss with your family some of your traditions for the holidays.
*What does it mean to vote? Take a vote with your family. Do they like chocolate or vanilla more?
*At dark, go outside or look out a window. Do you see the moon and stars? What makes the moon glow?
* What is a family? Who is in your family? Make a family tree to show your family.
*Make a timeline of your life. Add all the important events you've had in your life.
*Look at a map. Identify your country, state and town.
*Choose your favorite card or board game to play. Review and teach a family member the rules to the game.
*What is a liquid? What is a gas? What is a solid? Search your home for a solid and liquid.
*What are the parts of a plant? Draw a plant. Label the roots, stem, leaves, and flower.
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26501 S 4110 Road
Phone: 918-266-7227
26505 S 4110 Road • Claremore, Oklahoma 74019 • Phone: 918-266-2336
8204 E 540 Road • Claremore, Oklahoma 74019 • Phone: 918-266-6333
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