Use the following Powerpoint presentations, Youtube videos, or any credible sites from the internet to complete the assignments.
Please send your completed assignment to my school email:, text through the remind app or through Google Classroom.
SW Asia Bodies of Water PowerPoint
SW Asia Human Environment Interaction PowerPoint
1. Kahoot Challenge- 0636996
2.Review each powerpoint and write observations/ take notes.
3. Each week you will research 2 countries.
April 6-10 Turkey and Iran. Include capital city, population, major physical features, major cities, resources, climate, religion, type of government, language. foods, and current issues/ events.
April 13-17 Saudi Arabia and Israel. Use same categories as last week but please include more in depth descriptions
April 20-24 Iraq and Afghanistan. Same as last week. Must write 3 complete sentences for each category on each country.
April 27- May 1 Research Countries 3 sentences per category per country. India and China.
4. World Religion Chart-Religion Chart
All assignments are also posted in Google Classroom.
Google Classroom Code is elkvvjf.
World Geography
China & Japan
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