January 19, 2022
Dear Verdigris School Family,
We continue to monitor our staffing situation, as well as our student attendance. Unfortunately, we are continuing to see an increase in illnesses and quarantines among our staff and students. These absences along with a substitute shortage have become extremely problematic.
Based on the increasing number of absences for both certified and support staff as well as students, Verdigris Public Schools will transition to Distance Learning for the remainder of this week at all school sites (January 20 & 21, 2022).
This move to Distance Learning does not change the start and end date for any student or staff member that is currently in quarantine or in an isolation period.
At this time, extracurricular events will continue as scheduled per your coaching staff for non-quarantined students.
Grab and Go meals can be picked up each day at the Elementary Cafeteria from 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
The safety and well-being of our students and employees is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the evolving situation caused by COVID-19 and make adjustments as needed.
Thank you for your understanding and partnership as we take the necessary steps to protect our school community. Verdigris Public Schools plans to return to on campus learning on Monday, January 24, 2022. Again, the situation is fluid and we will keep you apprised of any changes.