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Bond Issue FAQ’s


The Verdigris School District has an opportunity to purchase much needed land. The District currently has very little space on campus for expansion. The land to be purchased is located near and around the Secondary Campus and is beneficial for expansion and optimizing current facilities. This land will provide space to meet the needs for future academic and extracurricular facilities. This purchase provides Verdigris Public Schools land for generations and gives the district and community great potential for current and future growth, as well as the expansion of current and new programs.                                            

If you have questions, please contact Mike Payne at 918-266-7227 or email at



Student Flyer - March 28, 2024

Claremore Progress Article 1

Tulsa World Article Student Flyer (2) - April 1, 2024 Claremore Progress Article 2

Frequently Asked Questions:


When is the date of the Bond Issue Election?

  • April 2, 2024

Who can vote in the Election?

  • Registered Voters that reside in the Verdigris School District Boundaries

What is the purpose of the Election?

  • To obtain land for future facilities needed for the students of Verdigris Schools

What is the amount of the Bond Issue?

  • The Bond amount is $1,795,000

Where is the land located?

  • The land is in close proximity to the secondary campus.

Why does the school need the land?

  • Verdigris has not purchased land since the mid 1990’s.  The land purchased has been developed into what is now the Secondary Campus.
  • There are currently 3 housing additions in the District that are currently being developed, or in the process of being developed. These additions could add more than 600 new homes in the near term. 
  • Verdigris School campuses are not large enough to allow for many new educational buildings.
  • Verdigris Schools does not currently own the property needed for projected growth. 
  • Classroom space is limited due to enrollment factors. 
  • Building near the secondary campus will help ease traffic flow near the current Elementary Campus.

What are the building projects associated with this bond issue?                                        

  • The purpose of this bond issue is to acquire property.

What are the forecasted building projects for the new property?

  • Future construction projects would be to create facilities to serve the needs of all grade levels, academically, class sizes and extracurricular.

Will there be an increase to property taxes in the district?

  • There will be a short-term tax increase. For the average home in the Verdigris School District valued at $250,000 there would be a projected increase of $41.87 per year for five (5) years.
  • Please see the tables for the tax breakdown that includes the projected financial impact based on your home value and your current yearly county taxes.

We are very appreciative of the support of the Verdigris Community in passing previous bonds as well as ongoing support of Verdigris academics and extracurricular programs.


“Building For The Future Generations Of Verdigris Students.”



Please follow this link for information regarding previous Bond Issues

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