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Summer Marching Camp Information August 1st-6th (including time change)

We will begin marching camp on Saturday (Aug 1st)  8AM-11AM at the football stadium with all new high school band students and leadership. If you would like to be considered for a section leader position be sure to show up Saturday August 1st. We are altering our Monday-Thursday schedule times. The new times are 8AM to 12PM.  We will march and play outside.  There will be no sharing of water so be sure to bring your own water.  Temperatures will be checked at the beginning of practice. Parents should do temperature checks before arriving at practice. Parents should stay at practice until their child has been checked in and cleared to practice (pass temp check and turn in home symptom check).  Here are a few things students should be sure to have at practice: Water bottle, close toed shoes (no flip flops), sunscreen. hats, and instrument.  We will be covering marching technique and fundamentals.  We are looking forward to a fun (albeit different) marching season! Attached is a link to the home symptom check and Verdigris summer phase in plan.If you dont have a copier at home I will have copies of the home symptom check to be filled out at practice.

Band Physicals and rankonesport paperwork (REQUIRED)

All High school band students will need physicals on record with the school before participating in marching band this year (August 1st for Freshmen and leadership, Aug 3rd for the full band). The school has coordinated a physical day where $25 physicals will be offered. Band physicals for females will be given on July 7th from 3-6.  Band physicals for males will be given July 9th from 2-6.  Physicals will be given at the Activity center.  All students under 18 will need to be accompanied by a parent.  Be sure to fill out all of your rank one paperwork before Aug 1 (instructions below)


Students can also get their physicals from their primary care physicians, but students must use the OSSAA physical form.  The required physical form can be found on .  Once on the website click on the red box with the text "Parents Click Here".  Then click on "Online Forms", follow the prompts to find the Verdigris page. We will need all forms filled out by Aug 1st (physical form is to be printed of and filled out by a physician, the other 6 forms can be filled out online).  If you have any questions about any of this feel free to email me at

Welcome to your new Department

Welcome to you New Department!

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