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Dear Parents and Guardians,
Attached are details regarding distance learning since students and teachers will be working remotely from home the rest of the school year. School buildings will remain closed, but Verdigris is committed to resuming your student’s learning beginning next Monday, April 6. Our intent is to provide a positive academic experience for students without overwhelming parents, and to engage all populations of students, even those who may not have access to the latest technology at home.
During the two weeks set aside by the Oklahoma State Board of Education for planning, Verdigris teachers, staff and administrators developed a distance learning plan for students at all grade levels. I know these experiences cannot replicate those of the day-to-day classroom, yet I am pleased with how the distance learning plan will keep students engaged and allow them to finish the school year with meaningful learning.
Distance Learning begins April 6 and will conclude no later than May 15. The exact last day of school has not yet been determined.
I know this is a different way to end the school year than any of us had ever envisioned. In spite of the many challenges in providing distance learning to all, I hope you will join us in embracing this new way of teaching and learning. This is not going to be a perfect solution, but it’s one I believe will serve us well given these extraordinary times. Please contact your site principal if you have any questions.
United for Education