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In-Person Classes Resume -  January 24th
WRITTEN BY Denton Holland ON January 23, 2022

Jan 23, 2022

Dear Verdigris School Family,

We wanted to remind you that on campus classes will resume Monday, January 24, 2022.  We expect the return of a large percentage of students and staff on Monday, which should allow us to facilitate in person classes.  

We ask for your assistance as follows:

  • If your child is ill, has a pending COVID test, a positive test result, or has been exposed to a positive case within the home, please do not send them on campus. 

  • Please contact the nurse (Deanna Hastings 918-266-6333, ext. 2316 or or school site office as soon as possible upon receiving a positive test result, if you have a pending COVID test, or the need to quarantine based upon an exposure to a positive case. 

Thank you for your continued understanding and support of Verdigris Public Schools.



Mike Payne
Verdigris Public Schools


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