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Exciting News for Verdigris!
WRITTEN BY Site Administrator ON December 07, 2017


“School Bond Issue Information”


Verdigris Schools is excited to announce we have begun the last phase of the overwhelmingly supported 2014 bond issue.  Verdigris Schools would like to thank our community for its continued support of our district.  As this final phase nears completion and older bonds expire, we are pleased to announce a proposal for a No-Tax Increase Series Bond for 2018-2026.  The vote for this new bond issue will be held January 9, 2018.  There has been considerable excitement within the school system and community about what the next bond issue will hold for our district.  After a great deal of research, strategic planning, listening to our stakeholders, and evaluation of the continuing needs of our growing district, we are pleased to provide the attached proposal impacting all school sites in our district.

Like the previous Bond Issues, this Bond will NOT result in a tax increase for our patrons.  If you have any questions, please contact Mike Payne @ 918-266-7227 or




Project Details  Activity Center Rendering Bond Transparency Act of 2017

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