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From Superintendent, Michael Payne
Information Regarding Potential Teacher Walkout
March 16, 2018
I am writing to address questions related to the potential April 2, 2018 teacher walkout requested
by OEA (Oklahoma Education Association) and other teacher leadership groups.
At the March 12th regularly scheduled board meeting, the Board of Education of Verdigris Public
Schools unanimously voted to approve authorizing the Superintendent to close schools for up to
eight (8) days, provided that such days must be made up if required by law, with such a closure
to occur only if a teacher “walkout” is scheduled by teacher groups or organizations and if the
Superintendent determines that such school closures are necessary for the safety of students and
for the fiscal integrity of the Verdigris School District in order to avoid the necessity of hiring
substitute teachers. If the “walkout” exceeds 8 school days, the Board will meet to discuss
authorizing the Superintendent to close schools additional days.
Additionally, the Board of Education approved a Resolution encouraging the Oklahoma
Legislature to work urgently on behalf of the children and families in our state to take swift and
meaningful action to develop a plan that includes a dedicated source of revenue that can be
utilized to fund much needed, reoccurring salary increases that will be provided to public school
teachers in Oklahoma and address the needs of common education funding now and into the
future. Please click on this link to read the Resolution in its entirety.
I am hopeful that our legislators will address the issue of teacher pay in Oklahoma and support
and restore public education funding, thus preventing this “walkout” from occurring. Please note
that the potential teacher “walkout” is not only about teachers’ salaries, but is a demand for the
Oklahoma Legislature to fund public education, which includes teachers’ salaries.
This is a very fluid situation and information is rapidly changing. Consequently, it is impossible
for me to address all of the potential questions and scenarios. However, I want to provide the
following Q&A as it relates to the potential walkout and what we know now.
Q: Why are the teachers planning a “walkout” in Oklahoma?
A: The Oklahoma Legislature has not given our teachers a pay raise in nearly a decade although
Oklahoma teacher pay is among the lowest in the nation. Additionally, the Oklahoma
Legislature has not provided a dedicated source to fund public education. This has resulted
in Oklahoma schools receiving less funding per child in 2018 than they received in 2008.
Additionally, our education funding, as a whole, is among the lowest in the nation.
Educators believe this is the only way to get public education properly funded.
Q: Will classes be in session during the proposed “walkout”?
A: Classes will not be in session during a teacher “walkout”.
Q: Will days that school is out during the “walkout” have to be made up?
A: Yes. However, we are an “hours district” which means our students and teachers must
complete a minimum of 1,080 hours of instruction time during the year to be in compliance
with State Department regulations. If we have less than 1,080 hours of instruction time, we
will risk having our State funding reduced proportionately to the shortfall of hours.
Following the “walkout” we will begin making up the time by using the 4 snow days built
into our school calendar and the 2 days that we have not used as of today. Additionally, we
will amend our school calendar and attend school on March 30th and be out of school on
April 2nd. We can also attend 2 more days and still be out of school and in compliance with
State requirements prior to the Memorial Day Weekend Holiday. If the “walkout” exceeds 8
days, the Administration will determine the best way to make up time, whether that means
adding minutes to each remaining school day or adding more days to the school calendar
after the Memorial Day Holiday.
Q: What about state testing for 3rd – 8th and 11th grade currently scheduled in April?
A: On March 12th, State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister wrote that there would be no change in
the state testing schedules. However, we will work to modify our schedule based on the days
school is not in session to make sure all required testing takes place. The only scenario that
could prevent state testing from being made up is if the “walkout” exceeds the entire window
available for state testing. We will communicate updated testing dates as soon as the
information becomes available.
Q: What about the ACT test Verdigris Juniors are scheduled to take on April 3rd?
A: We are providing ACT testing on April 3rd and April 4th, and the make-up date will be April
10th. Students will be provided more information the week prior to the test. Students and
parents will be responsible for transportation to and from Verdigris High School to take the
*If your student is scheduled to take the ACT on a Saturday, that test is nationally scheduled
and will occur as scheduled.
Q: What about Graduation?
A: Graduation will be held as scheduled Friday, May 18th at the Union Multipurpose Activity
Center (UMAC).
Q: What about Prom?
A: Prom will be held as scheduled Thursday, April 12th at the Mike Fretz Event Center.
Q: What about Northeast Tech, will those classes still occur?
A: Northeast Tech will be in session. If there is a “walkout” resulting in school cancellation,
high school students should still attend their Tech classes. Students may drive themselves to
their Tech campus or normal transportation procedures will be in place.
Q: What about concurrent (college) classes at TCC and RSU?
A: Off campus college classes are not affected by the “walkout” and will continue. Students
should continue to attend these courses.
Q: Will extra-curricular activities take place if school is not in session due to a teacher
A: Currently, all athletic games and tournaments, fine arts competitions, concerts, extracurricular
activities, etc. will take place as previously scheduled.
However, as a result of the rapidly changing information, this could change. We are working
with the OSSAA and other entities to make these choices and will provide more information
as soon as decisions are made.
Q: What about practice for fine arts, athletics, and other activities?
A: At this time, all grade levels will be able to practice during their regular practice hours. If
this changes, a notification will be provided.
Q: What about out-of-state trips planned for a competition, concerts, tournaments, etc.?
A: As Booster Clubs and students have conducted fundraisers for these events, they will still
Again, I am hopeful that the Oklahoma Legislature will take the required steps to prevent a
“walkout” by providing a dedicated source of revenue for reoccurring teacher salary increases
and funding for common education, now and into the future. I encourage you to contact state
lawmakers and let them know that it is time for them to fund education for our children.
Thank you for your ongoing support of Verdigris Public Schools. Again, this is a very fluid
situation and updates will be provided on the school website as information becomes