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Basketball Regional Champions

March 02, 2022

Congratulations to our Cardinal Basketball Teams, our Lady Cardinals are Regional Champions, and our Boys are Regional Consolation Champions!  They will compete in the Area tournament this week in Sapulpa.  Boys play Thursday at 3:00pm, Girls play Friday night at 6:30.

Distance Learning - Feb. 25, 2022

February 24, 2022

February 24, 2022

Dear School Family,

As a result of the inclement weather the past two days, Verdigris Public Schools will be canceling on campus classes for Friday, February 25th.  Friday, February 25th will be a Distance Learning Day.

We appreciate your patience and support, and look forward to seeing our students back on campus Monday, February 28th.


Mike Payne
Verdigris Public Schools

Calendar Update

February 18, 2022

Verdigris Family,

The Verdigris Board of Education recently approved an update to the 2021-2022 District Academic Calendar.  As of today, Verdigris schools was out of school for three (3) Snow Days, January 14th, as well as February 3rd and 4th.  The academic calendar had two snow days built in, those two days will not have to be made up.  Therefore, we will make up the one (1) remaining snow day on Friday, April 29th.  The updated calendar can be found on the school website and here

Mike Payne
Verdigris Public Schools 


New Student Registration

February 17, 2022

Pre-K Enrollment as well as new student to the district enrollment will begin April 4, 2022.  Initial enrollment will be online.  PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Classes Cancelled - Feb. 3rd and 4th

February 02, 2022

We continue to monitor the weather closely. The current forecast includes the potential for large accumulations of snow developing throughout the evening and continuing into Thursday and Friday.   Consequently, Verdigris Public Schools has made the decision to cancel classes for Thursday and Friday, February 3rd and 4th.  These days will be Traditional Snow Days and not Distance Learning Days. 

Sponsors and coaches will communicate any changes to activities with parents and students.

Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing everyone back on campus Monday, February 7, 2022.

Mike Payne

Verdigris Public Schools

Youth Soccer Registration

January 27, 2022

Verdigris Youth Soccer Registration is now open. Deadline to register is February 1st, 2022.

Please visit their facebook page - Verdigris Soccer Club or their website at for the registration link and more information.

In-Person Classes Resume -  January 24th

January 23, 2022

Jan 23, 2022

Dear Verdigris School Family,

We wanted to remind you that on campus classes will resume Monday, January 24, 2022.  We expect the return of a large percentage of students and staff on Monday, which should allow us to facilitate in person classes.  

We ask for your assistance as follows:

  • If your child is ill, has a pending COVID test, a positive test result, or has been exposed to a positive case within the home, please do not send them on campus. 

  • Please contact the nurse (Deanna Hastings 918-266-6333, ext. 2316 or or school site office as soon as possible upon receiving a positive test result, if you have a pending COVID test, or the need to quarantine based upon an exposure to a positive case. 

Thank you for your continued understanding and support of Verdigris Public Schools.



Mike Payne
Verdigris Public Schools


Distance Learning - January 20th and 21st

January 19, 2022

January 19, 2022


Dear Verdigris School Family,


We continue to monitor our staffing situation, as well as our student attendance. Unfortunately, we are continuing to see an increase in illnesses and quarantines among our staff and students. These absences along with a substitute shortage have become extremely problematic.

Based on the increasing number of absences for both certified and support staff as well as students, Verdigris Public Schools will transition to Distance Learning for the remainder of this week at all school sites (January 20 & 21, 2022).  

  • This move to Distance Learning does not change the start and end date for any student or staff member that is currently in quarantine or in an isolation period.

  • At this time, extracurricular events will continue as scheduled per your coaching staff for non-quarantined students.

  • Grab and Go meals can be picked up each day at the Elementary Cafeteria from 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

The safety and well-being of our students and employees is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the evolving situation caused by COVID-19 and make adjustments as needed.                  

Thank you for your understanding and partnership as we take the necessary steps to protect our school community. Verdigris Public Schools plans to return to on campus learning on Monday, January 24, 2022.  Again, the situation is fluid and we will keep you apprised of any changes.



Michael Payne
Verdigris Public Schools

No School - Jan. 14

January 13, 2022

January 11, 2022

Dear Verdigris School Family:

Regrettably, the recent surge of COVID cases in the State, County and Community continues to significantly impact our school district. Over the past few days we have been tracking a significant number of new positive cases among students and employees at all District sites.  These cases have necessitated the immediate quarantine of many students, teachers, and staff members (including teacher’s aides, paraprofessionals, bus drivers, and child nutrition employees).  All of these people assist in providing a safe and effective on campus learning environment.

As a result, All Verdigris faculty, staff and students will be out of school on Friday, January 14, 2022.  This day will be considered a “Snow Day” and will not be a “Virtual Day”.  We are hopeful that on campus learning for students will resume Tuesday, January 18th following MLK Day on January 17th.

  • Extracurricular events will continue as scheduled per your coaching staff for non-quarantined students.

  • This move to a “snow day” does not change the start and end date for any student or staff member that is currently in quarantine or in an isolation period.

We will continue to monitor the evolving health situation caused by COVID-19 and adhere to guidance from the Oklahoma Department of Health, State Department of Education, and the CDC. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times, please let us know if you have any questions. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to a return to on campus instruction on January 18, 2022.    




Michael Payne


Verdigris Public Schools

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