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Presidents Day

February 11, 2016


School will not be in session Monday, February 15th, as originally scheduled on the District Calendar.

Thank you for your support during yesterdays emergency.  Verdigris Public Schools realizes the timing was poor, but we notified our patrons within 10 minutes of receiving the notice.

Thank your for your understanding.


Due to a water main break, south of the Bank, there will be no school, Thursday, February 11, 2016.  Verdigris Public Schools apologizes for the late notice.  The water district has notified us that water will be turned off for the South Campus for about 6 hours.  This would have a huge impact on the cafeteria and restrooms.  

This outage affects the entire district.  Lack of water will affect both campuses.

Verdigris Public Schools is still scheduled to be out of school on Monday, February 15th.

A-F Report Card

December 11, 2015

Congratulations to Verdigris High School Students and Staff for earning a 93 on the 2014-2015 State A-F Report Card.  This is the third straight year Verdigris High School has earned an A rating on the is report.


District Grades

2014-2015 High School Report Card

Sr Lock-In Pancake Breakfast

December 08, 2015

The Senior Lock-In will host a pancake breakfast this Saturday at 1st Baptist Church from 8:00am to 10:00am.  Children 8 and under eat for $3 and adults are $5.

Upper Elementary Book Fair

November 20, 2015

We have a surprise!

Book Fair November 30-December 4


Tuesday open until 6

Meet and greet High School Boys Basketball Players from 5-6!!


Online Fair



Closed Friday at noon.


8th Explore Meeting

October 30, 2015

"Explore Your Future Night" is this Thursday, Nov. 5 at 7 PM in the High School commons.  We request that every 8th grader attend with at least one parent to learn more about high school enrollment including graduation requirements, diploma plans, 9th grade electives, and their child's Explore test results. Please enter through the High School front doors.

No-School, Monday, Nov. 2

October 30, 2015


As per the school calendar classes will not be in session on Monday, November 2, 2015.

School Calendar

Pink Out vs Webster

October 20, 2015

JOM Canceled

October 13, 2015

Today's (October 13)  JOM meeting has been canceled.

Next meeting will be on November 11th. 


Softball - Delayed

October 09, 2015

Todays Softball game at the Hall of Fame Stadium in OKC has been delayed 1 hour.  The new start time is 3:30.

National Merit Semi-Finalist

September 22, 2015

Congratulations to Verdigris senior, Cody Black, who was selected as a National Merit Semi-Finalist.  Cody scored a perfect "36" on his ACT test.  He is the son of Verdigris Elementary Art Teacher, Leslie Black.

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