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President's Day - No School

February 05, 2015

Just a reminder, that per the District Calendar there will be no-school Monday, February 16th 2015.

January 26th, Lockdown update!

January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015

Lock Down


Parent / Guardian,


Thank you for your cooperation this morning during the schools lock down.  At approximately 7:20 am local law enforcement notified the school of a fugitive in the general area.  Although law enforcement does not believe the fugitive was ever near campus, we felt it prudent to lock down the campus as a precautionary measure pending further information.  At 8:05 am local law enforcement advised that it was appropriate to cancel the lock down and resume normal activities.  As always, our students’ safety remains our top priority. 

Again, thank you for your time and patience in this unusual situation.


I can be reached at 918-266-7227 or for additional information.


United for Education,


Mike Payne


Verdigris Public Schools   

School Board Recognition Month

January 23, 2015




“School Boards Make a World of Difference”

The month of January is School Board Recognition Month – a time to salute the work of school board members and celebrate public education.  It is a time to honor the more than 2,700 elected school board members for untiring dedication to children and schools.

“The foundation of school leadership is ensuring equal learning opportunities for all students,” says Mike Payne, Superintendent.  “We’re proud of our district, and School Board Recognition Month is a time to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our elected board members.”

In Verdigris Public Schools, school board members must develop policies and make tough decision on complex educational and social issues impacting the entire community.  They bear responsibility for an annual budget of nearly $8,000,000, 1260 students, 150 employees, and 9 buildings.

They carry out the truest form of representative government in our democracy-volunteer public service and preserve the core of our democratic land - Public Education.

Too often we neglect to recognize the dedication and hard work of these men and women who represent us.  I invite you to recognize and celebrate the work of your school board members.  Listed below are the men and women serving Verdigris Public Schools and their years of service.


Kandy Collins

(16 years)

Vice President:

Todd York

(9 years)


Kevin Clyma

(8 years)


Wayne Stinnett

(4 years)


Scott Pickens

(3 years)


Support Graham

January 15, 2015

Verdigris student Graham Curtsinger is proudly representing Verdigris Public Schools in a new show on the Lifetime channel.  Graham recently won the school Geography Bee for the second year in a row, and will go on and represent Verdigris Schools at the State Geography Bee competition 

According to Grahams family, the show has been a very positive thing for their family. Graham has currently made it through the second week of competition. Graham and his three siblings appreciate all the support they can get. 

Check out the link below for more details about Graham and the show on Lifetime.

JOM - Elections

October 14, 2014

JOM Elections!

October 21, 2014 from 6:00-7:00, in Junior High Room 185 (Mr. Nadal's )

Verdigris 2013-2014 Report Card

October 10, 2014

The 2013-2014 State Report Card data has been released.  Information about the state system and all school districts here.  As of 10/12/2014 the final District scores have not been released, but "Report Card Grades" for Verdigris are posted in our scores section of the website.

Veridgris High School: A-

Verdigris Junior High: B-

Verdigris Upper Elementary: B

Verdigris Lower Elementary: B+

Softball - State Tournament

October 08, 2014


State Tournament is Oct 9-11 in Shawnee, OK at The Ball Fields at Firelake. 18160 Rangeline Rd. Shawnee, Ok

See the State Tournament bracket HERE

Veridgris Night at Rib Crib

September 23, 2014

Verdigris Night at Rib Crib will be Wednesday, September 24th from 4:10pm to close.  Ten percent of each ticket will be donated to the Senior Lock-In.  Come support our seniors!

Safest City

September 04, 2014

1. Verdigris, OK

Our safest city, Verdigris is located in Rogers County in the northeastern corner of the state and is part of the Tulsa metropolitan area. Verdigris is a small, quiet town and a good option for families with children due to its low crime rate rankings and reasonably priced real estate. The Verdigris police department assures its residents’ safety through various special programs such as neighborhood watch, house checks and rape aggression defense training.

Homecoming T-Shirts

August 27, 2014

Homecoming shirts are now on sale!  Shirts are gray with red and black print.  The cost is $15 and the deadline to order is Tuesday, September 2nd.

 Order forms are available in the office of each school site.  Contact Alice Schneider at with any questions.

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