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Homecoming T-Shirts

September 07, 2016

Football Homecoing T-Shirt Order Form

Contact Mrs. Schneider for details.


Deadline: September 12

Band Camp/Band Parent Meeting

July 21, 2016

Marching Band Camp will be July 30th from 8am-12pm for 9th grade and squad leaders only.

Marching Band Camp for 9th-12th grades will begin August 1st through August 4th from 7am-3pm.

There will be a Band Parent Meeting on August 1st at 7pm in the new band room.  For more details please go to


Drug Testing for Athletes

July 21, 2016

Drug Testing for High School Athletes will be Friday, August 5th. The cost is $20 payable with cash or a check to Verdigris High School. Juniors and Seniors will test at 10am in the HS Commons Area.  Freshmen and Sophomores will test at 11am in the HS Commons Area. Students will need to have a drug test consent form signed.


July 21, 2016

Open House will be Tuesday, August 9th from 5:30-6:30pm for the Elementary School and 6-7pm for the Junior High and High School.  The first day of school is August 11th.

Soccer Camp

June 21, 2016
Verdigris High School Soccer Camp
June 27th-30th
Justin Phillip

State Champions recognized

June 13, 2016

Go to the link to see the State Champion Basketball team and State Champion Jazz Band

being honored at the State Capital.  This can also be found at

Great day to be a Cardinal!

May 13, 2016

Saturday, May 14th is a great day to be a Cardinal!

We have 3 teams competing for STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS!

2:00  - Cardinal Baseball vs Metro Christian at Edmond Memorial High School

5:00 -  Cardinal Soccer vs Dove Science at Taft Stadium in Ok. City

7:30 -  Lady Cardinal Soccer vs Harrah at Taft Stadium on Ok. City

Please go support all our Verdigris Cardina

State Champions!

March 12, 2016

Our Verdigris Cardinals Boys Basketball team is the 3A State Basketball Champions!


Verdigris kids are awesome!

March 09, 2016
Please click on the link to read the letter sent to us from Bixby High School Administration
after the Are basketball tournament concerning our cheerleaders and Verdigris Schools.

Testing - Volunteer's

February 25, 2016

Verdigris High School is searching for volunteer test proctors for upcoming EOI Testing.  The testing window is April 11-May 6.  Morning sessions are 8:15-11:45 and afternoon sessions are 12:15-3:00.  Proctors must be at least 18 years of age with a high school diploma.  If you would like to volunteer for one or more sessions, please contact Alice Schneider at 918-266-2336 or

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