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Homecoming - Friday

January 12, 2017

Basketball Homecoming - January 27th

Flu Season!!

December 16, 2016

Flu season is here.  Tulsa county is reporting a high number of flu cases already. 

Cold Vs. Flu - Know the difference!

Veterans Day - Assembly

November 10, 2016

Verdigris Elementary Schools will be celebrating Veterans Day on Friday, November 11, 2016.  All Veterans past and present are encouraged to attend.  Parents please join Verdigris Schools as we honor all who served our great nation.


  • Veterans Reception begins at 8:30 in the Jack Collins Gymnasium
  • Veterans Celebration begins afterwards at 9:00

Oct 17 JV Canceled

October 14, 2016

Nowata has canceled the JV portion of the football game on Monday, October 17th.

The 7th grade will still play at 5:30 with the 8th grade to follow at around 6:30.

Report Cards

October 12, 2016

Report cards go home Friday, October 14th.

PT Conferences - No School Monday

October 12, 2016

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for the evenings of October 25th and November 1st.  There will be no school on October 31st due to the two evening of conferences.

Conference times are from  3:30-6:30.

*The High School will have conferences only on Tuesday October 25th

Flu Vaccine

October 10, 2016


Tuesday, October 25, 2016 Cherokee Nation Health Services will be at Verdigris Public Schools offering Flu vaccines to all students ages 4 and up.  Attached is a fact sheet about the Flu vaccine along with a health questionnaire and permission slip.  A parent or legal guardian must accompany the student receiving the Flu vaccine.  The vaccines will be offered at the lower elementary campus beginning at 8:00 am.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions. 


DeAnna Hastings
School Nurse

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